Kamis, 19 Juli 2012


There was an event ( Sisterhood )by Dian Pelangi last weekend . was so many pretty hijab girls there, lovely fashion bloggers from malaysia like Shea Rasol from ' My Amethyst ', Jezmine Zaidan from ' Jezmine Blossom ' , and Ami Schaheera from ' Ami Schaheera ' . designers and bloggers from London and Newyork ' Dinatokio and Hanatajima ', an then.. designers from Indonesia too of course, and.. blablabla... und so weiter :p I wore Dinatokio, Noni Zakiah, and Dian Pelangi's design at the cat walk. Let's take a look..
Me wearing Dinatokio's design

Me wearing Noni zakiah's design ( LEFT ) , and Dian Pelangi's ( RIGHT )

sooooo ya, there was a great event, met many lovely people and took pictures! didn't we ? allrite, this is my 'real' outfit . the outfit that i wore to Sisterhood out of the stage. I felt like a' glowing in the dark' stickers  :p

with my super nice friend, kak Muthia :) she's a model too

with pretty girls kak Uul, kak Hana, and kak Muthia

 well well well here we are! WE ARE BLOGGERSSSSS!!!!
with Jezmine Zaidan, Ami Schaheera, and Shea Rasol from malaysia
It was really exhausting but fun! see ya again everybody, next time InsyaAllah :3. Love, your Nada :)

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