Jumat, 25 Desember 2009

my 25 december

this is christmas day as you now, but i dont celebrete it of course. today is friday as you now too, and the moslem ( for male ) go to mosque as usuall. i felt so bored staying in dorm ( of course and i always do haha ) this noon one of my teacher, Ami, Mita and I went to GI ( Grand Indonesia ) One of my favorite mall here in Jakarta. oya, this is the last month of the year, of course sale (s) are everywheeeereeee an it made me so confuse and crazy. haha. i bougt some in Zara, oh if you saw Zara was like a Traditional market hahaha, i think you can imagine how crowded was it. veryveryvery croooowwwwwdeeeed !
oya this is what i wore. Dilla helped me to take this pic after arriving dorm from GI, thank you Dila

metaaaaal , haha weird -.- ( dilla and i )

and, round round round !

skirt-free from my sister wahoo ! crocs grey flat shoe, black stocking, leopard blouse with a cool shoulder hehe

how is your 25 december ha?
keep loving me, Nada

Rabu, 23 Desember 2009

i opened all my photos in my laptop and i got these photos

then i edited them, wanna see?

charles and keith wedges, endorse brown bag, grey jeans, zara black shirt, bloop jeans vest

Selasa, 22 Desember 2009

22 december

happy mother's day and happy birthday my mommy :) i miss you sooooo :'( oya, actually i have made a vidio, i was singing for you there but the vidio is errroorrr uuuuuuuuuuuh im so sorry mommy, if i have more time i'll make it again for you okey,

haha last year photos i still save it in my laptop, sorry if i publish this mommy dont be angry you still look young and pretty but not prettier than me hahahah :p

i love you mommy <3

bloody internet

i didnt go to bulcup as i planned, so i just stayed at home with bella in her house and did crazy things like, went outside, didnt bring much money, only wore crocs jeans and sweater, brought no bag no wallet, or lets call we brought nothing yes nothing ! really really nothing ! we planned to find some cheap meals. we saw awfully chocolate store, ooooh it looked so interesting from outside, so we hoped the price was not too crazy so we could buy some and the meals like we planned from the first. we went inside and a bad news is i could find any display cake or chocolate to buy, there were just a board with some prices of the cake, and it was very expensive for our pocket. so we buy nothing oh shit it was so disgrace us. i thought that is was very dangerous for us to take a walk at night with brought nothing and just me with bella, bella with me. i saw so many strange man looked us, and some disturbed us, i fell unsafe, so i asked bella to went back home and made our own meal. finally, we made... hummh internet ! haha we had no idea what to make. oya, when we were making internet, my thumb hurted by a big big knife and it made so many blood, then we named our meal with BLOODY INTERNET hahahah, oya internet is some kind of noodle with cheesse and meat

finally we only take this from awfully chocolate, hum looks yummy !

my blood uuuuuuh :'(

having fun and full with our bloody internet hehehe

Sabtu, 19 Desember 2009

one day i went to PIM

uh i feel so tired, the clock says 1.01 in the morning right now. the sky still dark and i hear no voice. i sit in bella's bed, she has slept but i dont. hurgh lets talk in bahasa hahaha. uh capek ! you know capek? ya TIRED ! pinter dah minum push the wind ye? tolak angin maksud gua haha. i was hanging out with bella and her sister today in pim. sebenernya males ke pim pasti rame banget kaya orang minta tanda tangan gue ( zet) tapi yaudahlah naluri lagi pengen ke pim jadi apaboleh di kata. pergi sekitar jam.. siang. jam siang ? ada ga tuh? cari aja dah di jam ada angka siang gak ? cari sampe cakep. ke pim dari rumah bella naik supir eh naik mobil sama supir deng. nyampe di pim turun deket strarbak. yaudah deh jalan engga jelas kaya anak ilang liat barang gada duit jadi cuma bisa gigit idung ( hayoloh bisa gak lu ? haah gajago ). yaudah deh karna engga jelas jadi kita ketempat yang jelas jelas aja ke futkort nyari cemilan. beli dah tu AW dabel fries favorite gue haha kalo si bella beli ayam sama kentang adenya belii.. apaan ya? ah ga penting juga di bahas beli apaan.

yaudah kita nyante kan tu duduk. nah nah nah you know what ? di sebelah gue kan ada bapak bapak tuh duduk sendirian dia bawa koper pake celana bahan warna item kemeja panjang biru trus pake kacamata, wajah berpendidikan dan berpendirian deh, dengan mantapnya dia nanya " dek, maaf nih ya kalo boleh nannya, ko masih muda udah pake jilbab sih? " wah sekejap gue kaget kentang gue kelempar mejaa gue ketendang kursi gue terbang ( ga deng boong ). sekejap gue ama bella ama adeknya kaget " wuss ada apa nih ? " dalem ati. yaudah deh akhirnya kita ngobrol banyaaak banget tentang remaja jaman sekarang, tentang jilbab, dia juga nannya kenapa ko meskipun pake jilbab masih tetep kliatan keren modis, dari tadi saya keliling smua anak kliatannya samaa aja ga ada beda nah sekarang saya senang sekali liat gadis gadis kecil kaya gini udah pake jilbab dan masih gaya, wah aduh om nya bikin gue ama bella nyengar nyengir grogi zzz. tapi om nya baik ko, enak diajak ngobrol cuma agak misterius nya itu ga nahan bikin takut. bikin neting, yang ngiranya bakal ngehipnotis lah maling lah orang jahat lah. astaghfirullaaaah, alhamdulillah nya dia baik hehe. satu pertanyaa gue " apa tujuan om itu ? dari majalah kah ? kayanya bukan dia bilang dia bukan kerja di bidang itu ko. atau iseng ? ya juga lah pastinya, ataaaauu..... malaikat ? wow bisa jadi malaikat jalan ke pim ya?-.- wallahualam deh, yang jelas nice to see you om hehe ( bukan genit ya awas lu )

om itu pun berlalu, kita ngebahas om itu bareng bareng pake muka heran dan seneng hehehe, yaudah kan abis itu kita ke tempat karoke, sumpah beneran demi gue pengen banget karokean duh inget acil ( temen gue ) deh dulu waktu smp sering banget karokean bareeeng, gue juga lagi pengen banget nyanyi dengan indah nya hu, tapi sayang nyaa kita udah beli tiket nonton AVATAR, jadi yaa harus say goodbye dulu sama karokeannya, hu sedih -.-.

sesampai di bioskop, wow keren rame abis banyak anak kecil pacaran yaolo hebat juga ya kecilkecil mucil -.-. i have one santance for you, this is very very very important, YOU HAVE TO WATCH AVATAR ! IT IS VERY VERY KEEWL ! okey cool i mean, yes cool, dont miss it, it is a must ! lebih menyeramkan dari film horor menurut gue, lebih menegangkan, keren kelewat batas ( najis lebay, tapi beneran ! ). gue ga pernah pernah nya tuh nonton sampe jingkrak jingkrak ikut deg deg kan. gue udah paling ribut sama si bella sampe peluk pelukan, adenya bella ktawa ketiwi aja ngeliatnya apalagi orang di sebelah gue hahah kaki gue udah naik naik sangkin gemes nya gue sama film ini, setiap detik keren banget ! sumpa deh, kalo pengen melahirkan pas lagi nonton pasti lo nunda ngelahirin karna film nya belum abis hahaha. serius gue !


(  avatar - ing )

selesai nonton, huaa capek banget gue nontonnya ga nyesel ga jadi karokean deh, waw. abis nonton kita ke.. em kemna ya? bentar gue inget inget dulu ye. oh ya si bella beli crepes, gue ga gitu doyan jadi gue kaga beli. hem bingung mau kemana, mau beli baju ga brani masuk tokonya, pasti mupeng , tapi duitnya kaga ada hu menyedihkan -.- yaudah lah kita ke futkort lagi dan pim pun semakin ramai.

mau makan apa ya? nyushi aja lah ada restoran sushi deket futkort yaudah iseng beli seporsi doang masa haha. iseng apa hemat nih ? tebak dah. sialnya dan jelek nya kamera kita udah mati ke abisan batre dari tadi jadi kita ga fotofoto banyak uuuuuuh ini yg bikin bete ! paraaaaaaaah ! jadi kaya orang bego dah, kesel. sushi yg gue pesen yg ada salmon mentah nya gitu deh jadi inget orang makan banyak salmon mentah otaknya be ulet ( waw kurang kerjaan banget tu si ulet ). pas mau bayar, i had no cash jadi pake ATM deh, ahelaah gatau knapa gue salah melulu masukin kodenya, jadi ga bisa di pake beh sial aaah err , jadi duit satusatunya gue harus di relakan.

selesei nyushi, kita ngelewatin tempat karoke tadi uhuhuhu pengeen tapi udah malem banget yaudah deh see you kapan kapan yaa :'( jalan jalan bentar sekalian ke gramed, adenya bella mau cari buku. berhubung gue gasuka buku gue keluar gramed aja, trus naik satu lantai dan liat live music di jembatannya gitu, tau kan ? pasti tau, uh I HOPE I CAN SING THERE ! really want to do it i dont know why, i hope someday gue gamalu malu buat nyanyi di situ yaa , seneeeng banget kalo liat orang main musik, nyanyi nari, gambar, ekting, jiwa gue berasa ke panggil huahahahha apadeh, tapi beneran loh suer. jadi damai gitu bawaannya haha.

abis itu kita pulang deh, dan.... capek.

udah dulu ya sodarasodara sebangsa setanah air se iya se kata se limut se gudang se ndok se mbilan se gelas se mbuh se se se se se se apajadah gue ngantuk nih udah dari tadi sih tapi tadi males tidur. hu kali ini bener bener mau tidur sekarang jam 2,10 pagi. dah yaa dont miss me , i'll be back !

me : grey cardigan and jeans, brown boots, brown elle hand bag, shocking pink tank top, doraemon neckless

Rabu, 09 Desember 2009

grey vs orange

if saturday i went to gading with my dad, sunday i went to pim with him too oooooh i want to replay them :(, i was wearing

yellowline dress, high heels wedges, hardware studded bag

Selasa, 08 Desember 2009

raindrops everywhere

i was so happy, i met my sunshine when raindrops everywhere nowadays. last friday saturday sunday i met my dad ! oh seriously i was really really happy, bacause i miss him soooo and toooo much! we talked much, went shopping together, ate together, we did everything together, oh no i want to cry right now, he already backed to borneo and left me alone again here, i miss youuuu my dad :'( oya, i just met my daddy, and i miss my mom and my  brother too, hope you were here, hope you are here, i want to hold you one by one right now ! oh my tears fall down, i miss you

on saturday, after school i went to gading with my dad, i bought some clothes but all still secret sorry hihihi, as i promise i found my car reader so now i can upload the pic of what i wore, wanna check ?

zara black  shirt, logo jeans, zara wedges, unbranded strips, game boy neckless

btw, the strips cloth was made by me haha i mean, i cut it by myself because i was bore with my old disgusting ALAY cloth, so i cut cut cut it and you see that is the result haha not too bad heheheh. hem oooh my today is my GRANDFATHER's BIRTHDAY wahoooo ! HAPPY BIRTHDAY HANDSOME i miss you :)